
Following yesterday’s details for Trust Members requiring a postal or proxy vote please find details below of the full election timetable. 

In order to allow as many Trust members as possible to vote in person there will be the opportunity to vote at both the Lincoln and Exeter home games.  …


Please read the following guidance carefully before completing and returning your ballot paper.

There are five places available for election to the Trust Board and we have received six valid nominations from Trust members. This means that we have a contested election.

You can vote for …

The Trust Board has five vacancies for Board members to be appointed by the membership. We have received six valid nominations by the closing date as a result we have a contested election.


The six candidates are:-


Phil Ashcroft

Ryan Courtney

Colin Faulkner

Bob Herrin

Rob Santwris

Kevin …

Newport County AFC Supporters Trust is pleased to announce details of its Election Timetable and Application Process for the announced Elections of Directors.


26 October                        Closing date for Trust membership for qualification to stand for   election                             

1 November                      Election Timetable announced - Candidate Nomination …

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