Election of members to the Trust Board 2021

The next election for members of the Board of the Newport County AFC Supporters Trust will open on Monday, 14th June, 2021. Four positions will be available in this election.

The Board members whose current term of office is coming to an end are Ryan Courtney, Colin Faulkner, Bob Herrin, and Kevin Ward, although all can stand for re-election should they so wish.

The ballot will be conducted digitally, and, as with previous elections, the Trust Board will be working closely with Colin Everett.

To be eligible to either stand for election, or to take part in voting, you must be a fully paid-up member of the Trust as of Friday, 4th June, 2021. Only Trust members who are 16 years of age or older can take part.

To stand for election a member will need a proposer and a seconder. Both the proposer and seconder must be fully paid-up members of the Trust as of Friday, 4th June, 2021.

Should there be five or more valid nominations then the election will be contested and a ballot will take place. If there are four or less valid nominations then those candidates will be appointed to the Board automatically. Appointments are subject to all necessary qualifying criteria being met. If there is to be a contested election, then Trust members who are eligible to vote will receive a prompt email with instructions alongside a published elections timetable.

The closing date for the receipt of nominations is Thursday, 1st July, 2021 at 7pm. A nomination pack containing more detailed information can be obtained by contacting elections@ncafctrust.org

Given that this election will be held on a digital basis, it is important that Trust members check to ensure that all contact details held by the Trust are up to date. You can do this by accessing your online Trust membership account or by setting up an account if you do not have one. Please contact the Trust if you need any help in doing this on info@ncafctrust.org

All candidates will be invited to produce a short address to make their case as to why they believe you should vote for them. These addresses will be published on the Trust website www.ncafctrust.org, and on the online voting portal.